Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Be careful with extremist terms

Insofar as Fascism is defined as a totalitarian state apparatus which brooks no dissent or alternative viewpoints, it seems from my side of the ocean that The USA has been in such a condition for many years. What else is a politically-correct cancel culture? Monochromatic approaches to complex political issues, demanding yes / no answers when questions require nuanced judgements, intolerance of any stance which diverges from one's own - all this is the furniture of Fascism, simply going under the name of anti-Fascism.

Any society that is so far polarised as to view a democratic change of administration as an existential threat is already being destroyed from within, and the process needs no assistance from external enemies. Governments of any stripe are seldom good in themselves; they are usually no more than necessary evils, required to save mankind from the darker sides of our own natures. Mostly, democratic governments achieve this modest goal. Other polities frequently don't.