asked “Why
was I condemned to live in a democracy where every fool's vote is
equal to a sensible man's?”
In the Platonic
tradition everyone should stick to what they are good at and most
people are no good at statecraft. The same may well be true for any
specialist subject. If you were about to undergo brain surgery would
you be inclined to rely on a brain surgeon or take a vote amongst all
the patients in the hospital? Would you rather your airliner was
flown by a pilot or elect someone from amongst the passengers?
Yet the alternative
is even less attractive. Of late a whole class of politicians who
know no trade but politics has
grown up. These professional politicians are not in the service of
It cannot be
democracy where most constituencies are safe seats for a particular
party and where the choice of representative is effectively
restricted to the person approved by a small number of that party's activists. In practice we have
even less of a democratic choice in politics than we do in electricity
supply. The sooner we move to open primaries the better.
Moreover, although
we have travelled a long road
from the days when the leading citizens of each borough used to select
two of their number to travel to the capital for short assemblies,
decide basic issues of taxation and supply and thereafter return and explain matters to their fellow citizens, I see no good
reason why we should not require any prospective MP to live in a constituency for at least two years before
being eligible to represent it.
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